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This patient is an 18 year old male who lost approximately 100 pounds with diet and exercise. Due to his weight loss, he noted a large amount of excess skin on his abdomen, and to a lesser extent, his chest as well. This skin would not shrink to its original size no matter how much he exercised. As a result, he felt very uncomfortable being shirtless in public.

This patient came to my practice in order to improve his abdominal contour. He was not particularly concerned with his chest skin, so we did not address this area surgically.

For this patient, I recommended an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) with liposuction of the flanks to improve his "love handle" area. I felt he would be unlikely to need internal abdominal wall tightening because he had very strong abdominal muscles, and his problem was mainly due to loose skin and some excess fat.

I performed a full tummy tuck with liposuction of the flanks (approximately 350cc of fat was removed from each side. After surgery, he healed very well and was extremely happy with his result. He is comfortable being shirtless in public, and is continuing to lose weight and improve his physique.

Provider: Dr. Cohen

Age: 18
Gender: Male