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This patient is a 39 year old female who presented to my practice with interest in breast and body improvements after a dramatic weight loss.

Specifically, this patient had lost 100 pounds, and after the weight loss, she noticed that her breasts had become significantly droopier and she was unhappy with the excess skin of her abdomen. She had undergone a breast augmentation 9 years prior by another surgeon, and she was unhappy with the overall appearance of her breasts.

For this patient, I recommended exchanging her silicone implants, in addition to internal pocket tightening and a vertical (lollipop scar) breast lift to improve the shape and position of her breasts. I also recommended a full abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) with tightening of the abdominal muscles and liposuction of the flanks (love handles).

In surgery, I removed the patient's old implants which were 375cc moderate silicone implants. I replaced these with Mentor smooth, round, moderate plus cohesive silicone gel implants. Due to pre-existing asymmetry I used 375ccs on the right and 400ccs on the left. Additionally, I tightened the lower breast pockets internally and performed a vertical breast lift to make the breasts rounder and perkier. After the breasts were completed, I performed a full abdominoplasty with tightening of the abdominal wall and liposuction of the flanks.

The patient recovered very nicely from her surgery and was extremely happy with her results. She was very pleased with how she fit into her clothes, and was thrilled with her fuller, perkier and natural breasts, and her flatter abdomen.

Provider: Dr. Cohen

Age: 39
Gender: Female